# setup.sh
RackTop Cyberconverged NAS
Initial Setup Utility
Copyright 2019 RackTop Systems, Inc.
Main Menu
1. Configure RMM interface.
2. Configure nodename.
3. Configure administrative (admin0) network interface.
4. Configure storage (data0) network interface.
5. Configure storage aggregate (aggr0) network interface.
6. Configure high availability (hb0) network interface.
7. Configure default gateway settings.
8. Configure NTP settings.
9. Configure DNS settings.
10. Configure appliance for none Internet based configuration.
11. Configure Local Key Manager.
12. Configure TimeZone.
13. Restart appliance.
14. System Information and Administration.
15. Import/Export Configuration.
16. Exit Setup Utility.
Please select menu option and press enter or press enter to exit.
Use CTRL-C to exit at anytime.