BrickStor SP does offer an SNMP agent that may be configured to offer basic system statistics via the following MIBs:
- IF-MIB (network interface statistics)
- IP-MIB, TCP-MIB, and UDP-MIB (packet and TCP/UDP connection statistics)
- HOST-RESOURCES-MIB (CPU, memory, load, and file system statistics)
- UCD-DISKIO-MIB (basic disk device performance)
Monitoring systems and performance analysis applications can utilize the SNMP service, via those MIBs, to monitor or retrieve basic information regarding dataset capacity, network interface bandwidth, and other broad system statistics.
Configuring SNMP
Configuring and activating the SNMP service on BrickStor SP involves a few manual steps as the service is not currently managed through MyRack Manager or Hub. Prior to configuring the SNMP, you will need to determine an SNMP community string. SNMP community strings act as a sort of password that SNMP clients may use to access the SNMP agent. Because of this, a community string should be treated just like a password. An SNMP community string may contain any combination of ASCII characters.
- SSH to the BrickStor SP and log in as the administrative user.
- With your desired SNMP community string in hand, create the snmpd.conf file. This example will use HwYhD42s.8e as a community string to create snmpd.conf:
$ echo 'rocommunity HwYhD42s.8e' | sudo tee /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf
- Enable the SNMP service:
$ sudo svcadm enable net-snmp
- Verify that the SNMP service is responding using your chosen community string. Using the common snmpwalk command-line utility, an example test would be:
$ snmpwalk -v2c -c HwYhD42s.8e <IP or hostname>
Bear in mind that access to the SNMP service is over UDP port 161 and internal firewall rules or access lists in your organization's network might block that communication with the SNMP service.
Changing the SNMP community string
Sometimes, the need to change the community string the SNMP service answers on will arise. Changing the community string may be done using the same means used to initially configure it, followed by a restart of the SNMP service:
$ echo 'rocommunity newCommunityString' | sudo tee /etc/net-snmp/snmp/snmpd.conf
$ sudo svcadm restart net-snmp