To configure adding specified Active Directory groups the ability to login to the BrickStor, please refer to our user guide and review the section Getting started with BrickStor SP.
To see what domain the system is currently servicing, run the following command:
identadm d l
Output should be similar to:
To login to the BrickStor with AD credentials, users must use their username along with the Fully Qualified Domain Name. Below is an example.
Note: The FQDN is case sensitive
To give users the ability to login to the BrickStor with an alias, run the following command:
identadm domains alias --domain <FQDN> --alias <DESIRED ALIAS>
Next configure the BrickStor to continually serialize the domain:
identadm cache -off
/* This will serialize all of the settings, including the alias, to the identd.conf file */
svcadm disable identd
/* Disables the identd service */
vi /etc/racktop/identd/identd.conf
Change the "MaxAdminUsers" from 1000 to 1001
Save the file
svcadm enable identd
/*Re-enable the identd service*/
identadm cache -on
svcadm restart bsrapid
/*Restart the bsrapid service*/
To confirm these changes were configured correctly, run:
cat /etc/racktop/identd/identd.conf
Ensure that "Aliases = <DESIRED ALIAS> "
Users should be able to login using the FQDN and using the alias now.